Friday, January 8, 2010

Wedding Party Armies??...

Brides ask me all the time of their number of bridesmaids is too large. "Have you ever heard of so many bridesmaids, should I get rid of some people? I don't want it to look like an army!" My answer, "the more the merrier!" This year with so many weddings we saw every number of bridesmaids from just one up to twenty two. Yes, can you believe 22 ... on each side??

All of these Bridal "Army" weddings went so smoothly and the large number bridesmaids and groomsmen was really never a setback at all. In fact, I would say it assured that there were plenty of hands to help the bride and groom. Also, plenty of party goers who were guaranteed to be the life of the party.

This wedding ceremony was at the Citadel Summerall Chapel. The 13 bridesmaids were some of the nicest girls I have ever had the pleasure of working with. They were all so beautiful in their floor length blue matching dresses. The Chapel was a perfect choice for such a large party since there is plenty of altar space for them to stand.

For this wedding we held the ceremony and reception at Lowndes Grove. The large patio space was the perfect location to have 16 bridesmaids and 16 groomsmen standing. In the same way that there was no shortage of bridal party, there was also no shortage of fun. These bridesmaids were having a blast all through the night.

For this bridal party of eleven, the bride decided because of restricted space behind the fountain at The William Aiken House that we would have nine of the bridesmaids sit and two of them stand with her. She was slightly concerned the the girls would think it was a bit of an A list and B list, but in rehearsal one of the bridesmaids put it to rest very quickly. She said "honey, in these heels and in this heat, I would much rather be sitting down!" We all laughed and that put the bride's fears to rest.

So you can see that no matter what size group you end up with, with careful planning you can have your larger group and enjoy your friends being close around you that day.

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